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Thursday, November 18, 2010


What a diifference a year makes. I thought last year at this time i didnt have anywhere to go or anyone who loved me. In the past year ive been through some major changes, i lost my dad about a year and a half ago, i got divorced 6 months ago from some one i was with on adn off half my life...literally...i didnt give up though and now look at me. Im happy, very content in life. Yeah i still got a lot of work to do, but im no longer helpless or hopeless.....

Saturday, November 6, 2010


The changes time will make are the last year ive gotten divorced, move to a different state, got my s.s.i. and medicad, back to seeing a doctor. And im back in touch w aubry, they sent me some photos and a figurine and a pic mattea drew. And i got me a boyfriend....yeah yeah yeah i know but its been 3 months and things are still good. So im not complaining. Just thought id sit down and get back on here.........................