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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Well i am back from Arkansas. I have been very confused as to what to do with my life.Unsure if staying with my boyfriend is the right thing to do. I love him very much but im afraid i am not the woman he needs or wants. I have not heard from the coxs, that worries me, i ws hopin for some photos from thier trip.I have applied for a jb as a wairess, i thought they would have called me by now, but no such luck.My mom is stressed out. Even michelle is stressin her.I wish there was something i could do for her!!I hope she doesnt drive herself crazy worrin about everything. She needs some kind of help i just dont know what. Well it doesnt lok like ill be able to go back to school not enough money:( But something should come up i mean ive been looking for a job forever!Well i got to call mom back have a good day!

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