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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It is wed afternoon as usual there is nothing to do.Iwent to the pool thats about ll i do .I have too much time to think for real! Some days ae harder. Hopefully Il be in school in a couple of weeks. I owe793 dollars i have to pay before i can start but itll all be paid for by DARS which adds up to about15,000 dollars so its worth it!!I just wish ny boyfriend wuold hurry up and do something its real nice of him to take care of it but ive hade people tell me theyd do somrthing and never do it.anyways i wrote another poem but they will get better in time its hard for me to find the worda to express ow i reallyfeel right now.

first fathers day
without you here
but in my heart
yoyufeel so near
i think of past hoildays
when you werent around
seems ecen more depressing
ive found
all that time it seemed
like we hade forever
shows what i know
i wasnt so cleaver
but youre here with me
in spirit and heart
whats another day
that were apart
cause one day
maybe soon or a lifetime away
Ill spend with you
another fathers day

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