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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Today has been so hard!!! all i can think about is how many fathers days and birthdays and any holiday for that matter that i missed because of the things i did. How i would love to have just one of those days with my dad. I miss him very much, more than i let on.I know hes betteroff out of all the pain he was always in. But knowing that doesnt help me feel any better.I never thought id lose him this soon. I am only 31 he was only65 boy it makes you think huh?!?!But on the bright side i have reestablished contact with my mother and sisers and brother Whom i havent seen since i was 16. And i also have the cox's. They are a blessing indeed!!I wonder what all my kids did today who they were saying happy fathers day to. Thats something else that bothers me on a dailt basis!

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